Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 3

Shall I say it? It's getting easier? I do think it is. Eating breakfast is still difficult but my body is getting accustomed to it. Breakfast two scrambled eggs with veggies baked in a muffin tin. Turned out really good. Jordan again eats hers without any hesitation. James on the other hand "I don't want this, I want eggs with tomatoes" UGH kid! I can never please him. Well dad called at that moment and talked to James. After that he ate without saying another word, and when he was done, "I want this again tomorrow, remind me it was good" Oh well he ate it. This by the way was good.

After dropping him of at school, Jordan informed me that he was crying last night about kids teasing him about his lunches because they look weird. Really? Kids are so harsh but I emailed his teacher and informed her of this situation and then decided I was going to have a lunch date with my son! So I surprised him at lunch time with my lunch and we ate together. He asked if I could go back again, so I have another date with my son.

Snack for the morning was 2 hard boiled eggs, handful of nuts and half a kiwi. Which by the way was the sweetest best tasting kiwi I ever had, results of not having any kind of sugar? Maybe! Lunch was leftover chicken from previous night’s dinner wrapped in lettuce with a chopped avocado, nuts, and carrots. Very yummy! Dinner was chicken and vegetable kabobs with handful of olives on the side. Felt very full afterwards. Only drawback was my stomach isn't cooperating with this diet change, which I had a fear of. But toughing it out and working through it.

Partially made lunches, kids wanted chicken wraps again. Easy! So that was done and we enjoyed some nice quiet family time. Here's to tomorrow being a little easier.


  1. This is really awesome! I love reading this! Keep it up! Keep writing!

    Do you count calories with the Whole30?

  2. Thank you!

    No counting calories. Just measuring out portions according to the size of your hand. Piece of meat is palm size, fat is thumb size or cup full of palm, vegetables is the majority. And drinking plenty of water.
