Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 10

Woo hoo 1/3 of the way there!!!

Last day for the breakfast casserole. I am going to make it again but play with the ingredients to "hide" more vegetables in it. The flavors of it were nice but I think we are using sweet potatoes too much. And James knowing it was the last day ate without a fight! Ugh why couldn't he just eat without protest? But whatever he ate it and made my morning so much easier.

Snack was yummy ceviche, blackberries, and a handful of almonds. Lunch was leftover chicken thighs over a salad with avocado. Yum! After being sick, I finally felt better and had so much energy that the house got clean, all laundry done and started dinner. I fixed front door and trimmed a the energy levels, even with a head cold. Anyway dinner was Chocolate chili.

It called to be cooked in a big stew pot and to simmer for two hours but I though 2 hours on the stove equals 4 hours in the crock pot, right? So I had it simmering in there for close to 5 hours on low. And let me tell you it was goood! Jeff and I had 1 and 1/2 bowls and I thought yes leftover for this weekend but nope! Kids finished it off. There was a lot left and they ate it all. I was shocked!! I am not sure but I think they liked it lol! And to go with the chili we used our mandolin and sliced one sweet potato into chips and baked them to crumble on top of chili and it was good.

We ran out of lunch stuff so had to go to Sprouts and picked up a steak and then decided to go to Vons and found pork ribs whole30 approved and sausages. So sausages are tomorrow’s lunch and ribs are for the weekend.

Oh and working out, we are noticing a huge change in strength. Trainer has us running a strength training circuit and we feel very very strong...LOVE IT!

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